Announcing my new website

I blog tips for being more conflict competent

If you follow me, you’ll receive posts with news and updates about Doing Conflict Better. And, when I finally finish editing my novel about a Conflict Manager, you’ll get advance notice of the publication. Click here to follow.

About me: 

Conflict competence is a great skill I use for my clients and my own life. For three years, I had a work sabbatical for treatment of a rare, deadly form of breast cancer and a double mastectomy. (Actually, the double mastectomy was done twice – is that a quadruple? ).

I restarted work with a new appreciation for how being conflict competent helps me get through the tougher parts of life. As time passes, risks of cancer recurrence decrease and interest in working increases. My blog shifted from doing conflict management to writing about doing conflict management, and the joys of living without breasts, and, well, life and stuff.

As my focus changed, I decided to use my name as the URL for my website, rather than my company name. It announces my new career path is writer as well as doer.

Company: Conflict Competence

Title: Conflict Manager since 1991

Location: Canada

About my professional life: 

I’ve convened thousands of conflict processes, locally and internationally, taught conflict studies at universities and privately, and train Boards of Directors in effective governance. My masters  degree is in environmental dispute resolution and my doctorate is in conflict analysis.

I’m active as a writer, researcher, trainer, coach, keynote speaker, and proponent of expanding the application of conflict management in innovative ways. I served on the Boards of Directors of numerous organizations.

Deborah Sword, Conflict Manager, writer

Deborah Sword, Conflict Manager, writer


6 thoughts on “Announcing my new website

  1. Debralee Fernets says:

    Hi Deborah, You crossed my mind today and just wanted to say hello. We should get together for tea one day.
    Debralee Fernets
    Canadian Liver Foundation


    • L. D. Sword says:

      Dear Mema, how wonderful of you to drop by. I’ve followed your blogged exploits too. Writing is hard work I’ve discovered, and each blog post takes me many days. So thanks for your encouragement.


  2. Geoff Szabo says:

    Hello Deborah,

    I enjoyed the two posts I read, but I am also very impressed by your remarkable credentials, and even a little intimidated. My wife is now a five year survivor, and I’ve been contacting breast cancer bloggers to see if they’d like a pre-release copy of the “Pink Christmas” CD. Our team has finished 11 of the 16 songs, and my wife and I are sending it out to friends and family as a sampler. The remaining 5 songs are scheduled to be complete in late February for a 2013 release. The ultimate intent is to use the CD as a fund raiser for Breast Cancer Organizations, and I’d love to send you a copy. Both iTunes and take such large cuts from our music, that I’d rather donate those funds to any participating breast cancer organization that deems this project worthy. The audio won’t be up until we finsih the project, but you can view the artwork at: if you like. We have plenty of copies going to Canada already, since I’m from Ontario originally. I do hope you’ll consider our offer. As it turns out, those who write breast cancer blogs are exactly the people this work was written for, and about. I hope that it brings you a little joy this Christmas.


    Geoff Szabo


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